FF PA DP HART Communication Board

  • FF PA DP HART Communication Board
  • FF PA DP HART Communication Board
  • FF PA DP HART Communication Board
  • FF PA DP HART Communication Board
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FF PA DP HART Communication Board
  • Microcyber
  • China
  • In Stock
  • 500 Sets/Month

FF Communication Board: Microcyber provides the Foundation fieldbus H1 communication board customized as customer's requirements. This solution can upgrade the traditional instrument to Foundation fieldbus instrument rapidly. The board supports bus communication, control and integration in fieldbus controller, stack, function block and interface circuit. Microcyber can assist customer in passing certification test of Foundation fieldbus and integration test with all kind of DCS system.

OEM Service Package -- FF Communication Board 

Software & Firmware Design and Development is including:


Support Atmel ARM7 series CPU

Discrete MAU

Flash ≥256K

RAM ≥128K

Support Link Master

Support EEROM for data store

Support asynchrony serial interface, baud rate is changeable

Support common I/O port

Power supplier: 9~32 VDC

Supply power to customer board according to customer's demand

Current consumption: ≤ 15mA

Supply to customer HW: 3V, 10mA or 5V, 6mA

Support two kind of communication controller  

Smar FB3050

Microcyber FBC0409

Intrinsically safety: HW has passed FISCO

EMC compliance



Support function block instantiation

Registered function blocks: AI, AO, DI,DO, RATIO, PID, BG, ISEL, SC, LLAG

Customized function blocks

Supply firmware

Support LAS functionality

DD version: compliant with last ITK version 5.1.0.

Capabilities File (CFF): compliant with last ITK version 5.1.0.


Technical Service:

Foundation fieldbus ITK Pre-Test

Microcyber provides Foundation Fieldbus ITK Pre-Test environment. The FF Interoperability Test is done for the field device at Microcyber prior to the official Interoperability Test. Microcyber explains the results and helps to analyze the errors.

The success of the Foundation Fieldbus ITK Pre-Test shows the official FF Interoperability Test will be passed.


Main technical support:

Foundation Fieldbus expert guidance

Minimized certification period

Use of official test tools

Foundation fieldbus interoperability test support

Microcyber provides customers technical support for the Foundation Fieldbus Interoperability Test (ITK) at the Fieldbus Foundation in Austin, USA. As part of completed services, Microcyber is supporting:


Foundation Fieldbus professional guidance

Request for test offer from Fieldbus Foundation

Test order at Fieldbus Foundation

Error analysis


Control system integration test support

Microcyber is supporting customer during the performance of control system integration test with ABB, EMERSON, YAKOGAWA, etc.


General Conditions:

There is no a stack license fee.

There is no an annual support fee in first year. Microcyber will provide customer new revision if there are upgrades or modifications to firmware.

Customer should provide a product sample to be used by Microcyber for software development. Microcyber should have the product sample within three weeks after the software development agreement is signed.  


Development Schedule Preview: 3 months per device type


Development Procedure

Communication Board

OEM Service Package -- PROFIBUS PA Communication Board

Microcyber provides the PROFIBUS PA communication board customized as customer’s requirements. This solution can upgrade the traditional instrument to PROFIBUS PA instrument rapidly. The board supports bus communication, control and integration in fieldbus controller, stack, function block and interface circuit. Microcyber can assist customer in passing certification test of PNO and integration test with all kind of DCS system.


Software & Firmware Design and Development is including:


Support Atmel ARM7 series CPU

Discrete MAU

Flash ≥256K

RAM ≥128K

Support DPV0, DPV1 and PA Profile 3.01

Support EEROM for data store

Support asynchrony serial interface, baud rate is changeable

Support common I/O port

Power supplier: 9 ~ 32 VDC

Supply power to customer board according to customer’s demand

Current consumption: ≤ 15mA

Supply to customer HW: 3V, 10mA or 5V, 6mA

Support two kind of communication controller  

Smar FB3050

Microcyber FBC0409

Intrinsically safety: HW has passed FISCO

EMC compliance



Support function block AI,AO,DI,DO and TOT

Customized transducer blocks

EDD File: compliant with SIMATIC PDM 6.0


Technical Service:

Certification Pre-Test

Microcyber provides Certification Pre-Test environment. The Certification Test is done for the field device at Microcyber prior to the PNO official Certification Test. Microcyber explains the results and helps to analyze the errors.

The success of the Certification Pre-Test shows the PNO official Certification Test will be passed.


Main technical support:

PROFIBUS PA expert guidance

Minimized certification period

Use of official test tools


PNO Certification test support

Microcyber provides customers technical support for the PNO Certification Test at the Test Lab in the world. As part of completed services, Microcyber is supporting:


PROFIBUS PA professional guidance

Request for test offer from Test Lab

Test order at Test Lab

Error analysis


General Conditions:

There is no a stack license fee.

There is no an annual support fee in first year. Microcyber will provide customer new revision if there are upgrades or modifications to firmware.

Customer should provide a product sample to be used by Microcyber for software development. Microcyber should have the product sample within three weeks after the software development agreement is signed.  


Development Schedule Preview: 3 months per device type

Development Procedure

ff protocol

Test Phase 

After software development, you can test your device. First, the simple function test can be divided into DP slave communication test and PA function block test. SIMATIC STEP7 software can be used in DP slave communication test, which is to test whether configuration between DP slave communication and GSD document is right. SIMATIC PDM device management software is used in PA function block test, which is to test whether parameter description of PA function block is right, the execution of function block is right, and whether EDD file is satisfied the requirements, etc. Furthermore, users are required to have more professional test such as interoperability test. The detailed test steps can be referenced to “PROFIBUS-PA Application Program Interface Manual”.

Document Collection 

PROFIBUS-PA Development Toolkit’s document collection is as follows: 1) Introduction for PROFIBUS-PA Communication Round Cards Development Toolkits: Mainly gives the whole brief Introduction of PROFIBUS-PA Communication Round Cards, makes users understand easier. 2) Round Card Hardware Development Guide Gives detailed description of hardware principle and interface of round cards and helps user understand hardware structure of round cards, guides user to complete interface development. 3) PROFIBUS-PA Round Card Development Guide From the sight of software, helps user understand software structure and interface’s configuration, guides user to complete software design and development. 4) PAShell Application Program Interface Manual It is manual of PAShell library, consists of how to register function block, initialization of PAShell, etc. User must follow the description to register function block, library initialization, etc.


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